Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Salesforce the most frequently asked questions here.

What is Salesforce Ready?

Salesforce Ready is the best source of Salesforce customer intelligence. We discover companies who use Salesforce along with all related actionable intelligence.

Is Salesforce Ready free?

Yes, you can create a free account on Salesforce Ready and download data based on the monthly limit. You can upgrade as needed at any time.

Can I export the data from Salesforce Ready in XLS files?

Yes, depending on your plan’s download limits you can download data from Salesforce Ready in XLS files and use as needed, in compliance with your local rules & regulation and company policy.

How do you keep the Salesforce Ready data accurate?

Our smart software engines that validate company information continuously and added new data too.

* All company names & logos are trademarks of the respective companies only.